Dear y’all,

Forecaster #6 is here. Filled with crafted content, reviewed links, and investigated details. Learn why Open Source is more innovative and about the history of FOSS.  

Highlight: AI for π-day – 14th of March – keynotes, labs, and sessions.

Welcome to the sixth issue of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics User Group (AIDA) Forecaster! Designed for AIDA User Group members, and AI and Data Analytics enthusiasts, this publication contains timely and relevant information to the AI and Analytics community. I am pleased to see you reading The Forecaster’s new issue #6.

AIDAUG is growing, with 180 members after only six months of operations. Congratulations! Keep it coming!! Help us to top the 200 this month and spread the word.

Ask your colleagues to join –

In your confirmation email, you will receive your personal invitation to Slack as well as your official AIDAUG membership card.

AI and music seem to be taking off. In the last Forecaster, we reported on AI finishing Beethoven X. This issue sheds light on Apple reportedly acquiring AI Music, a small UK-based startup.

This month we gathered a lot of AI-related topics.

Default to Open! Red Hat’s video about Open Source is legendary. We took advantage and gathered background information about Open Source and companies adapting a Free and Open Source Software strategy.

Hope that you enjoy reading and let me know your ideas and thoughts.

I invite you to send me an email. And now … enjoy and please invite your mates


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