Rain or shine, meet Scott Hirleman, Jean-Georges “jgp” Perrin, and many of their friends for an open discussion around Data Mesh. There are no bad questions. Zoom link below.
Check out the recordings of the series: YouTube.com/playlist?list=PL9tZROTS_Pi7TjjhLR-sCtwQVeth6Jv7e.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87380091930?pwd=NVhUS3ZDOS9hSFFBbU1sQm9HQUJHZz09
Meeting ID: 873 8009 1930, Passcode: 453501.
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Meeting ID: 873 8009 1930, Passcode: 453501.
Featured photo by David Hablützel.