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From Shilpa Deb.

Postpartum is the period that commences shortly after the baby is born and continues until the mother’s body has recovered mainly to its pre-pregnancy state (typically 6-8 weeks). Postpartum depression (PPD) is a nonpsychotic depression that usually occurs 2-8 weeks post-delivery but can appear up to 12 months later.  It affects 1 in 7 women and 1 in 10 fathers, with nearly 50% of mothers with PPD going undiagnosed. In India, with 25 million annual births, around 6 million people (3.5 million mothers and 2.5 million fathers) may experience PPD. There is a lack of studies on the impact of cases of failed pregnancies and adoption. Figure 1 illustrates the symptoms and signs of PPD.

Figure 1.

Figure 2 illustrates the Daffodil platform.

Figure 2.

Recognizing the need for awareness around mental health challenges associated with new parenthood, we developed “Daffodil: Let’s Look Beyond the Smile.” We aim to create a supportive workplace where associates feel safe discussing their psychological challenges.

Daffodil aims to be the world’s first GenAI Enabled Postpartum platform that makes its decision by analyzing employee mood and interaction quality, correlating these with leave and presenteeism patterns. The platform using IBM watsonx.ai focuses on three key areas:

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: Detecting aggression in meetings and tracking emotional dynamics through facial analysis.
  2. Personalized Action Plans: Tailoring support for employees returning to work after childbirth.
  3. Support Programs: Developing programs based on individual assessments.

Enhanced training for leaders will equip them to effectively recognize and support postpartum challenges. Through collaboration and innovation, Daffodil represents a significant advance in fostering a workplace that prioritizes mental health and well-being and promotes a more inclusive and supportive environment for new parents.

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