HIGHLIGHT Aleph-Alpha publishes their MAGMA AI model as open-source.
Welcome to issue number eight of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics User Group (AIDA) Forecaster! Designed for AIDA User Group members, AI and Data Analytics enthusiasts, this publication contains timely and relevant information to the AI and Analytics community.
Editorial Dear Readers,
It is my pleasure to see you reading the new issue #8 of The Forecaster.
AIDAUG is growing, 376 members after only eight months of operations. Congratulations! Keep it coming!! Help us to top the 500.
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Kubernetes Monitoring Tools, Cognos Analytics Roadmap Q3 2022 to Q2 2023, IBM is the world’s biggest contributor to smarter algorithms, the smallest-ever robot, and blood-cell classification with neural networks.
Read it first on aidaug.org. We started publishing articles in the member-only content section. Subscribe and read them in your browser or RSS feed even before the Forecaster hits your inbox.
Hope that you enjoy reading and let me know your ideas and thoughts.
I invite you to send me an email. And now … enjoy and please invite your mates!